# Code of Conduct

A code of conduct is a set of rules outlining the norms, rules, and responsibilities or proper practices of an individual party or an organization.

# Commits / Semantic Release

Please use the following subjects when you commit:

  • components - For general components
  • composables - For reusable compositions
  • store - For Vuex stores
  • plugins - For Nuxt plugins
  • ci - Related to CI/CD tasks
  • scss - Related to scss changes
  • deps - For installing new dependencies

For example:

$ git commit -m 'feat(components): adds `Entity` component'
$ git commit -m 'feat(composables): adds `useEntity` composition'
$ git commit -m 'feat(store): adds `entity` store'
$ git commit -m 'feat(plugins): adds `entity` plugin'
$ git commit -m 'chore(ci): updates to `Jenkinsfile`'
$ git commit -m 'feat(scss): updates to `font-awesome` asset'
$ git commit -m 'chore(deps): upgrades `@jdi/vue-backoffice-library`'

Or use none of the above, when it does not fit in any of the other scopes.

$ git commit -m 'test: assert a `useEntity` scenario'
$ git commit -m 'revert: revert `useEntity` changes'

# Testing

Please provide sufficient unit tests for your code. Place them as close as possible to the file you test in a __tests__-folder.

# index.js

Only 'expose' files in src/index.js that are reusable for users. Do not export files that are not used by users, e.g. commitlint.config.js.