# Getting started

# Prerequisites

# Node version

The required version is inside the .nvmrc file in the root of the project. You can either upgrade your system installation of node or install NVM (opens new window).

To make use of the .nvmrc file it is recommended to integrate nvm into your shell (opens new window).

# TYPE and basePath (for /backoffice)

In this boilerplate we have set the basePath to / and the TYPE to frontend because we want our URL not to include the /backoffice part. If you want to include the /backoffice part, then change the TYPE in Jenkinsfile to backoffice, and update the basePath in backoffice.config.json to be/backoffice.

# Development

For development, you can link vue-backoffice-library into your project. This is often useful to test out new features or when trying to debug an issue in a package that manifests itself in another project.


Start with cloning vue-backoffice-library (opens new window) into a local folder.

Run the following command in the vue-backoffice-library-folder:

$ yarn link

This will print the following:

[] Registered "@jdi/vue-backoffice-library".
[] You can now run `yarn link "@jdi/vue-backoffice-library"` in the projects where you want to use this package and it will be used instead.

NB: Because yarn link is not run on Jenkins, it will use the real package instead

In the project that you want to use vue-backoffice-library run the following command:

$ yarn link "@jdi/vue-backoffice-library"


At this moment (until Vue 2.7 comes out), there is no possibility to have @vue/composition-api installed and use it with yarn link.

You can read more here.

# Creating a new feature

Run yarn dev will start a development server in the vue-backoffice-library. All changes are synced into your project because of the link.

# Channels

We use the following channels:

# Alpha-channel Dev

All development changes are directly pushed onto the alpha-channel. Proceed with caution.

$ yarn add --dev @jdi/vue-backoffice-library@dev

# Stable-channel Master

All production ready changes.

$ yarn add --dev @jdi/vue-backoffice-library