# Components

The components directory contains your Vue.js Components.

# Requirements

  • Give your component and its directory the same name.
  • Add a README.md in the root.
  • Add your component in a src-folder.
  • Add the corresponding test in a __tests__-folder.

Your folder structure should look something like this:

. Component
├── src
│   ├── __tests__
│   │   └── Component.spec.js
│   └── Component.vue
└── README.md


We are using this structure for future monorepo usage. For example with Lerna (opens new window) or Yarn workspaces (opens new window).

# vue-docgen-api

All documentation is generated with vuepress and all components are parsed via the vue-docgen-api.


All available tags are listed on the vue-styleguidist (opens new window) documentation.